Main features of the game Candy Clicker 2

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Main features of the game Candy Clicker 2


• Upgrade candy production
• Upgrade your value per click
• Upgrade automatic candy production
• Unlock new candies
• The multiplier helps speed up candy production
• Multipliers help increase the value of each click
Achievements in candy clicker 2
• Complete missions and challenges to receive achievements
• Achievements give rewards like coins, multipliers, or unlock new upgrades
• Change the game's display (color, font, ...)
• Turn on/off sound
Save progress
Save progress and continue playing next time
• Compare scores with friends
• Compete with other players on the leaderboard
Special event
• Limited-time events to increase earnings or get rewards
• The above features make the Candy Clicker 2 game more attractive and interesting, ensuring players have a great experience during the endless clicking process.
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Re: Main features of the game Candy Clicker 2

Open the game on just click the button your device. It is typically available on web browsers or as a downloadable app for mobile devices.
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Re: Main features of the game Candy Clicker 2

In reply to this post by mina12
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Re: Main features of the game Candy Clicker 2

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